Tuesday, September 24, 2013

12 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 12 Weeks - We are out of the 1st Trimester!
Size of Baby: Plum (Uterus is the size of a softball)
Waist: 32 in
Total weight gain: 1.5 pounds since last week. Back to my pre-pregnancy weight!
Maternity clothes? Not yet. My skinny jeans did not fit the other day, so I had to use the rubber band trick.
Stretch marks? Nope. Still using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks. I need to be better about putting it on every night.
Sleep: Still the same. Sometimes its good, sometimes not so much. 
Best moment this week:  The doctor's appointment and hearing the heartbeat for the first time!
Miss anything? No.
Movement: No. Too early.
Food cravings: Still liking my goldfish.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. Some food smells are not pleasant.
Gender: Do not know yet. Hopefully will find out next week!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Like I mentioned in my last post, nausea came back with a vengeance! I was pretty much nauseous all day, everyday. One day at work it got so bad, I had to stop and go lay on the couch. Many times I get extremely nauseous, but also extremely hungry at the same time. That is no fun! Around dinner time, I have a hard time wanting to eat anything. Nothing sounded good at eat. Let me tell you, being nauseous makes it hard to plan my lunch!
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Yesterday morning I did have a moody episode. Sorry Todd!
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and the rest of the results from the blood tests.
Fact: The eyes are now positioned in front of its face, and its hears are in position on the sides of its head. Most notable, reflexes have begun! Your little one's mouth is making sucking movements, his eye muscles clench, his toes curl, fingers and hands open and close, and he may even begin to suck his thumb. Though he is still too little for you to feel, he can feel you. If you were to apply pressure to your abdomen, your baby would squirm in response! (-Everyday Family)

P.S. These pictures really show off the baby bump! I don't realize how big it is until I see pictures. Also, not sure why these pictures are such bad quality...and why it looks like I'm biting my lip in both. Oh well!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

September's Doctor Appointment

Today Todd and I had a great doctor's appointment! We met our OB for the first time today (before we were just seeing nurses and the sonographer). We are very pleased with him, he couldn't have been any nicer.

The first good news, you may have noticed the amount of weeks I am pregnant to the right of the screen jumped almost an entire week! That's because the doctor goes by the days of my last period, not by the ultrasound findings. So even though the sonographer initially pushed me back a week (and said I was only 6 weeks and not 7 weeks pregnant at the time of the first ultrasound), the ultrasound can always be off 5-7 days. So, it is more accurate to go by my last period. This means, my weekly posts will go up on Tuesday nights, instead of Sundays. But hey, I'm not complaining. I gained 5 days in my pregnancy! I am in my 12th week, not 11th. That makes me very happy. The estimated due date is now April 8th, 2014.

Today we also got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time! That was amazing. Measuring at 163 bpm, it was perfect. The doctor found it pretty quickly, he said. It was loud and clear!

Lastly, we decided to take blood for the Panorama Prenatal Test. This is the test that will scan for the possibility of Down Syndrome and other birth defects. We know we are not at high risk for any birth defects, but we always planned on taking some prenatal tests just so we could be sure. Because this test looks at the baby's chromosomes, it will also be able to tell us something else...the sex of the baby! Of course we can opt out in finding out and go the usual route of finding out the gender with an ultrasound weeks from now, but we would love to know. The sooner the better we say! Also, this is much more accurate than an ultrasound due to the fact its looking at the chromosomes. I definitely do not want to be told the gender over the phone, so Todd and I are going to talk about how we want to find out. At this point, we are thinking we want the doctor's office to mail the results. That way it will be more private and personal. I forgot to ask how long it takes to get the results back, but I would assume in a week or so?

So overall, everything is going along just fine. Mother and baby are both healthy (although this week the nausea definitely came back with a vengeance)!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

10 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 10 Weeks  
Size of Baby: Prune (Uterus is the size of a grapefruit!)
Waist: 32 in
Total weight gain: I've actually lost weight. My pre-pregnancy weight was 135. Since I heard weighing yourself first thing in the morning was the best, I will use yesterday's weight since I did weight myself once I got up - 133.8. I had a lot of nausea (not just morning sickness, try all day sickness) in the last few weeks, so I'm not surprised I lost weight. I am now at the point where I just get extremely nauseous when its time to eat, so I feel like I eat all the time!
Maternity clothes? Not yet. Although my tighter shirts don't look as good anymore!
Stretch marks? Nope!  I try to use my Palmer's Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks every night, but sometimes I am just to tired to do that. 
Sleep: Ehhh. Sometimes its good, sometimes not so good. I wake up a lot and I can not go one night without getting up to go pee. I am usually in bed by 9pm.
Best moment this week:  The beautiful Fall-like weather!
Miss anything? Not at the moment. I thought I would miss being able to drink coke all of the time, but it rarely sounds good! 
Movement: No. Too early.
Food cravings: Cheddar goldfish. (I have not had any weird cravings yet)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, although the smell of red meat sometimes is not good.
Gender: Do not know yet.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: I get nauseous when I need to eat. So... I have snacks with me at all times. Exhaustion! This week was pretty bad at work, the worst yet. I felt like I could have fallen asleep in a matter of seconds at work. Constipation!! Now that really sucks! Sore boobs (which have grown substantially by the way). Acne, you can probably tell from the pictures :(. Bloating, although it has gone down 1.5 inches in 3 days! Thursday, my waist was at 33.5 in, now I am at 32. in.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On, hopefully will stay on the entire pregnancy.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I really have not had any problems with moodiness/mood swings.
Looking forward to: Our doctor appointment this Thursday. This time we get to meet our actual doctor!
Fact: Week 10 is the beginning of the fetal period, in which your baby's organs rapidly mature. This week, his kidney's liver, heart, and intestines are forming tissue. Toenails and hair begin to grow and add detail to your baby's body. Your baby's limbs are now able to flex. Wrists can bend and hands can meet over the heart. Baby's legs may be long enough for its feet to meet in front of its body. Baby will even start swallowing and kicking this week, but don't expect to feel anything yet, those movements are still too little (-Everyday Family).


Hello family and friends! As most of you already know, Todd and I are expecting our first child! To keep everyone up-to-date on the pregnancy, I thought it would be a great idea to start a blog with weekly updates. That way, everyone can follow along this wonderful journey with us. It has already been a crazy ride, with all the changes the pregnancy has brought to my body (and lifestyle!), and we are only in the beginning.

Today we have completed 10 weeks of pregnancy! We have had two ultrasounds already (due to early spotting - but everything is going along just fine), so we have seen Baby Depczynski two times already! The first time was at 6 weeks.
Baby was the size of a pea at 6 weeks. We were reassured that the pregnancy was healthy and the spotting could have just been trapped implantation blood. Spotting is very common and I shouldn't worry about it unless it turns to bleeding and is accompanied by cramps, which thankfully, it never did and ended up stopping. At this visit, the heartbeat was going at a good rate, 118 bpm!

The second time we got to see Baby was at 8 weeks, just to make sure everything was progressing the way it should be. 
Sure enough, Baby is doing just fine! Now at 157 bpm (and the size of a kidney bean), everything is perfect and healthy. Speaking of beats per minute, an Old Wives Tale says if the bpm is above 140, its a girl, if its below 140, its a boy. Hmmm, is there a little girl inside me? We will have to wait and see!

Stay tuned for my 10 week pregnancy blog to see pictures and how my week went. I am going to try to make a post every Sunday to capture the last week. But I may make posts in between as well. So keep coming back!