Tuesday, March 25, 2014

38 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 38 Weeks 
Size of Baby: Pumpkin (20 inches long, over 6-8 pounds) 
Waist:  43.5 in.
Total weight gain: 32 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? I feel like they are trying to come through on my right hip. This is one of the things I hate about my pregnancy, but I know they aren't preventable. At least I have only gotten them on my hips...hopefully it stays that way.
Sleep: Getting worse just from being uncomfortable (and having to pee all of the time). 
Best moment this week: Finding out I am now 3 cm dilated! Had our doctor's appointment yesterday, more on that below. Also, the shower my work threw for me. Non-pregnancy related, hearing that my grandma is home from the hospital!
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach!
Movement: All the time. Sometimes I feel like it has decreased a little, but then he starts back up. I think its just that the movements have changed. Many times I feel his head hitting my right hip, but then his feet kick my left side at the same time. The kicks to my side are usually uncomfortable, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Same, tons of Braxton Hicks contractions and tons of pelvic pressure.
Symptoms: Due to baby being so low down, my chair at work goes between my desk chair and an exercise ball. With the ball I can get very close to the desk and I can spread my legs out as wide as I want. When I bounce on the ball, he goes crazy! Baby has dropped, at least my boobs don't rest on my stomach as much (lol), so all of the pressure down there makes it very uncomfortable to really do anything. Especially walk! He is also always on my bladder now. I have to pee a lot, and when I do its like a geyser. Crazy.
Belly button in or out? Out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and anxious
Looking forward to: Todd and I have had a feeling (or maybe its just hoping) that we would have him sometime this week. Will we be right?
Fact:  Most babies weigh somewhere between six to eight pounds when they are born. Boys are usually longer and heavier than girls. All of his internal organs are ready to support him in the outside world. He has also developed healthy amounts of baby fat over the past week, and his immune system is developing, and will continue to develop after he is born. His fingernails and toenails have reached the end of his fingers and toes, and might even need a trim after he is born! (-Everyday Family)

Our 38 week doctor appointment went great. We found out I am now 3 cm dilated, which basically means you can fit 2 fingers into my cervix. I still have a posterior cervix. The doctor felt the baby's head very far down, but the opening of my cervix is still farther back (posterior), and needs to come forward around baby's head before delivery. That can happen any time really. 

We also talked about induction. Because my cervix is awesome (doctor's words lol), he would be ok with inducing me anytime after April 1 (one week before my due date, no earlier), if Todd and I wanted that. We need to discuss that option, but I think we are going to wait until at least our due date. We really have a feeling he will come early, but statistics show the first pregnancy usually goes past the due date. Of course I really don't want to do past April 8th - I am ready for the end of this pregnancy and ready to hold our baby. At my next appointment, Monday the 31st, we will discuss possible induction days. We will also try to "strip my membranes." Because my cervix is still far behind the baby's head, it would have been very painful to do that today. Just the checking of the cervix today was very uncomfortable! Hopefully in another week (if Baby Dep hasn't arrived yet), we will be able to strip my membranes and maybe start the delivery process more quickly. Cross your fingers!

One more thing, I tested negative for Group B Strep! One less thing to have to worry about!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

37 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 37 Weeks - we are officially full term!
Size of Baby: Winter Melon (20 inches long, over 6.5-7 pounds) 
Waist:  43 in.
Total weight gain: 31 pounds...I am really tired of gaining weight! I know its good for baby, but will it ever slow down?
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Ehh, nothing new. Still sucky. Because of all the pressure, it hurts to move positions and after I go to the bathroom once a night, I am just achy down there.
Best moment this week: Just getting the nursery more complete. Put up the ceiling fan (with a dimmer) and a few more things on the walls.
Miss anything? Not being sore and achy all of the time. Shopping really takes a lot out of me!
Movement: They do kind of seem to have lessened, but still going strong throughout the day.
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. But I am in a little faze where nothing sounds good to eat. Todd gives me the option to eat whatever I want for dinner, and for the life of me, I can't come up with anything.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions and tons of pelvic pressure.
Symptoms: Besides the BH contractions and pelvic pressure, I did have my first episode of acid reflux. One night I woke up with it and then it stayed with me all the next day. It was horrible! Thankfully it was gone the next day. Makes me realize how lucky I have been throughout my entire pregnancy that that hasn't been one of my symptoms. I do get a little crampy as well, randomly through out the day.
Belly button in or out? Out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy!
Fact:  If born this week, all of your baby's internal organs would be developed enough to function outside of your body. Also, from week 37 on, your baby will only be adding a few ounces of fat to his frame each week. (-Everyday Family)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

36 Week Dr. Appointment and Ultrasound

Monday we had our 36 week doctor appointment (1 day early). At this appointment, our doctor checked me for Group B Strep, which we will get the results at my next doctor's appointment two weeks from now. He also checked my cervix. Guess what? I am already 2 cm dilated! All of those Braxton Hicks contractions have helped soften my cervix. The doctor seemed very positive about this and told us Todd's prediction of a late March birth is not out of the question, but is actually very possible! Being 2 cm dilated already is also a sign of an easier labor. I really hope I take after my mom with that! As he was checking my cervix, he immediately felt the head, which means he is still head down. I knew he was because of all the pelvic pressure I have, but it was still nice to hear. He doesn't expect me to go into labor in the next week or anything, because the head is still pretty high in the uterus in that regards. I would love for Baby Dep to come early, we are ready for him, and quite frankly, I am tired of being pregnant. But, I know it is still possible that he can be late.

Yesterday, the doctor also measured the size of my uterus from the outside. He only measured me at 32 weeks, but he thinks that my long torso could be hiding the true size. We have known all along that Baby Dep is on the smaller size, so our doctor thought it would be a great idea to schedule one more ultrasound just to check on baby's growth and make sure my fluid is normal. He did not seem nervous or anything, just thought it would be wise. I agree! He said our baby has continued to surprise him in terms of growth, so hopefully this ultrasound is no different.
Top: face looking at us; Next 3: profile

After the ultrasound:

The appointment went very well! The ultrasound tech began by taking measurements of baby's head, abdomen, and femur. He is measuring at 5 pounds and 9 oz, which is good! She said that he is in the 23 percentile. Yes, it has gone down a little, but she didn't seem to worry at all. There were no red flags for her and every time I would mention him being on the small side, she would really steer me from that perception. Every baby is different, and his growth is looking very good.

After the measurements were taking, she checked my amniotic fluid level. That also looks perfect. Then on to the face shot! Of course he is still head down, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to see his face since last time we had a harder time. No issue this time! I got a very good picture of his profile (three bottom pics above). He had his hand up by his face like always. And I gotta tell you, he is so cute! His lips and little nose...He then turned toward us and I got a good shot of his face! His little cheeks...Todd said he looks like him (lol). We sure can't wait to meet him! The ultrasound tech said he is a wiggly little baby. It seems like everyone comments on his movements. I told you he is active!

It was so nice seeing him again. Its crazy thinking the next time we see him, he will be in my arms.

36 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 36 Weeks - we are officially in the 9th month!
Size of Baby: Honeydew (19 inches long, over 5.5-6.5 pounds) 
Waist:  43 in! 1.5 larger around the waist since last week, makes the total weight gain sound much better!
Total weight gain: 28 pounds...I seem to be packing on the weight!
Maternity clothes? Oh yea!
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Half the sleep was really good, half was crap. I think my body was just so exhausted at the beginning of the week. Thankfully that allowed me some decent sleep. But towards the end of the week, not so much. I can no longer lay on my back (which is already not a good position for baby anyway). I have so much pelvic pressure in that area, it is very painful!
Best moment this week: Going to the doctors and finding out I am already 2 cm dilated and getting to see the baby again unexpectedly.
Miss anything? Being able to fit in clothes. 
Movement: Some movements are starting to hurt! When he kicks out to the side, its very uncomfortable.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions.
Symptoms: Still have bad pelvic pressure due to Baby being so low. Everyone is picking up on the waddling now! I get very comfortable very fast, usually sitting down. At my desk at work especially, but basically I can't sit for a long time and not feel pain.
Belly button in or out? Out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy!
Fact:  During week 36, your baby's most important job is to keep putting on weight. Actually, that's his primary job from now until delivery.
(-Everyday Family)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

35 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 35 Weeks
Size of Baby: Coconut (18 inches long, over 5.5-6 pounds) 
Waist:  41.5 in.
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep. Also now wearing Todd's t-shirts for pajamas. Mine do not fit any longer.
Stretch marks? Nothing new this week.
Sleep: Yuck. Now getting different "pains" when I move around trying to find a comfortable position. It's not good.
Best moment this week: Getting baby's room closer to being done. Also, going shopping for more baby stuff using the gift cards we received from the shower!
Miss anything? A good nights sleep and clearer skin.
Movement: Still quite active during the day! His movements are pretty strong, so sometimes the kicks and punches kind of hurt. At least I'm not getting jabbed in the ribs. I'm going to thank my longer torso for that.
Food cravings: Nothing really this week. Still had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day at work.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, but I think I caught a mild cold (sore throat).
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks contractions.
Symptoms: Pelvic pressure was pretty bad this week. I also get really tired and sore very fast. Going to the store wears me out...not to mention the mall. I am now officially waddling!
Belly button in or out? Out. You can see it through my shirts now if I'm not wearing maternity pants.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Meeting our little guy!
Fact: By week 35, your baby's kidneys are completely developed. His liver is also beginning to produce waste. In fact, a majority of his growth is already done. However, you should expect him to put on some more weight over the next few weeks. As space is at a premium, you may not feel as much tossing and turning inside of you, but you will definitely feel some healthy punches and kicks
(-Everyday Family)