Hello everyone! Long time, no post. Max is already 3 1/2 months old, and I really do not know where the time has gone. They say a baby's first year goes by fast; boy, were they not joking. I thought I would give you all a three month update on our little love bug. I was planning on doing this every month and am a little upset there isn't a one month and two month update, but let's face it, I am a new mom. Ain't nobody got time for that...lol...no really, I don't have much time (in fact it has taken me almost an entire week to post this). Now that he is on more of a routine, I am finding I have
a little more time for things like blogging, so lets begin, shall we?
Height/Weight: I won't know Max's true measurements until his four month checkup (on August 4th), but I do know he is at least 15 pounds! He is a chunker (which is Todd's nickname for him, by the way). Really, I get a workout every time I pick him up, especially when he is in his car seat. Seriously, if you need an arm workout, stop by and carry him around for a little bit.
Since I didn't do a one month update, I guess I can share his six week stats. Max was measured at 23 inches long (19 3/4 inches at birth) and weighed 12 pounds (6 lbs, 9 oz at birth). He was in the 90th percentile for height, and in the 95th percentile for weight. Let's just say, he grew! His pediatrician was amazed and said he was growing twice as normal. Makes me proud since he is only eating breast milk! Clothes-wise, he is in 0-3 onesies, but can fit in 3 month t-shirts/shorts. Although he can still wear Size 1 diapers, we prefer Size 2 now. He sure is growing fast!
Routine: I think we are finally in a pretty good routine. Considering Todd and I are both at work during the day, we don't know his exact routine during the work day. But seeing how he is during the weekend, I think we have a pretty good idea. Max started going to the sitter the day after Memorial day, when he was 8 weeks old. Our sitter fell in love with him, but really, how can you not? After a few weeks, my boss decided the most awesome thing, she allows me to bring Max to work with me two times a week! Those two days are the best...I am not as productive at work, but I sure am having fun! Max does really good, just smiles and talks to me all day. Let's just say, he is
very distracting. My boss and co-workers think it is the cutest thing how he just stares at me and smiles. He is smitten they say. Ok, back on topic, his routine.
Max usually ends up in bed with us in the morning (more on that in the sleeping section), so either I get him up with me at 6:15am, or I let him sleep in our bed until 7am when I need to start packing him up to go to the sitter. He feeds on me (sounds like he is a vampire) and then we are out the door by 7:20am. He is usually wide awake when I drop him off. He usually takes two naps during the day, one in late morning and then an afternoon nap. Todd picks him up around 4pm. We try to keep him awake during the evening so he sleeps all night. During the evening we hold him, play with him, do tummy time, etc. He is rarely fussy, only when he is tired he gets fussy. We can differentiate his cries now which is very nice! He pouts too (which is so cute). There are days where he doesn't take any naps, which means a fussy baby at night and an earlier bedtime. Before bedtime, we give him a bath every night around 8pm, which he really enjoys! We then swaddle him and I feed him until he falls asleep. He is in bed usually by 9pm.
Sleeping: Like I just said, Max is usually in bed by 9pm and sleeps all night. His bedtime has become earlier in the last few weeks, due to him not sleeping as much during the day as he used too. We swaddle him during the night and we think that is one reason why he sleeps so well. I would say he started sleeping the whole night rather early. When he was first born, I was getting up about three times a night. We had him in a bassinet in between us in our bed until he was 8 weeks old, I believe. Then we moved him to his crib. He did very well! I can't quite remember timing, but rather quickly Max was sleeping all night. He would get up rather early in the morning, but we were going 6-8 hours after his last feed until he woke up.
Currently, Max will wake up anytime between 4:30-6am. Todd will get up and bring him to our bed. I will feed him in our bed and we all fall back asleep together. Then, like I mentioned above, I will get him up with me at 6:15, or let him sleep until 7 while I get ready for the day. Along with swaddling, we have a sound maker (rain sound) and a projector on the ceiling of either jungle animals or fishes. Sometimes we hear him talking to the animals around 5am. What a great sound to wake up too!
Eating/Feeding: Max is exclusively drinking breast milk. He has not had any formula since April 8th, I believe, which I am very proud of. My milk supply is going strong and I have no worries that we will have to switch to formula in the near future. I have a large frozen supply, so I can always dive into that if my supply decides to dip. Right now, Max eats 4 oz at a time. I send three bags of 4oz every day to the sitters and he eats all three bags. Sometimes he may be more hungry, so our sitter will take out a bag of frozen milk that I have left with her for his more hungry days. He eats from a bottle just fine. We have never had any issues with nipple confusion, which I am very grateful for. Our feeding routine has changed a bit in the last few weeks when we are at home. At home I mostly breastfeed him; we rarely give him a bottle. If Todd wants to feed him, I let him, but whenever he starts fussing, I breastfeed.
Behaviour: Max smiles all the time and it is truly the best thing. We are still waiting on giggles, which I really can not wait for! We are hearing the beginning of giggles I think, so hopefully once we get to the four month update, he will be full-on giggling. We are in the beginning of teething...uh oh. He is drooling so much and constantly sucking on his hand. He has graduated from the swings to a bouncy seat. He decided he no longer likes to swing, silly boy. He loves sitting upright and loves being help up on your shoulder. He doesn't like being in the cradle hold unless you are feeding him. Since he loves sitting up, we have started sitting him in the bumbo seat. He can only handle that for a maximum of 10 minutes, then he is done. He is able to grab onto objects like his blanket, but doesn't really reach out for things yet. He talks all the time and has the cutest voice. He likes to talk to stuffed animals. He is very happy in the morning. One of my favorite moments in the day is when I am unswaddling him and he does his first stretch of the day...oh how I love watching him stretch. He puckers his lips and pushes his butt as he is stretching. He still likes having his arms up by his head as he sleeps unswaddled. His fingernails grow so fast, but he rarely scratches himself. He focuses really well and will follow you in a room. He loves going for walks and smiles at the trees above him. He is the best and cutest baby ever.
I am going to try to post photos from his first two months. I'm thinking I will create pages with just photos, so I will make an update when that all gets figured out. If you have instagram, please follow us for daily photos - mnm6789.
Thanks for reading! I am really going to try to post more now, so keep checking back!