Wednesday, November 20, 2013

20 Week Ultrasound/Doctor Visit

Today has been awesome so far. We got to see Baby Dep for the first time since September! And boy has he grown. He's no longer a little blob. He has features and a little personality/attitude!
First was the much anticipated ultrasound. Considering we already knew the gender, to get even more confirmation there is a little boy in there was just icing on the cake. See pic three for the tale-telling evidence! A cervical ultrasound was done first. Everything was good there. Basically the ultrasound tech wanted to make sure the placenta wasn't near the uterus, and its not. Right away, we saw the head and a hand trying to push the instrument away. He was shaking his head like he was saying "no, get away." Next was the baby ultrasound. The tech asked if I could feel him moving yet because he was moving like crazy in there and stayed moving the entire time. It was neat when I felt him moving as I could see him on the screen move. The tech called him our little whipper-snapper, he moved so much. If she couldn't get a good detail on something, she just needed to wait a few seconds and he would move for her. He had his left hand up by his head the majority of the time and sometimes had both up there. He was being cute according to the tech.
Top: Profile; Middle: Foot; Bottom: Genitalia

The tech took measurements of the head, stomach area, back of the neck/spine. Our baby is measuring on the small side (the computer brought him up at 10 oz and at 19 weeks and 3 days - but remember how the first ultrasound also pushed my due date back?). This is really nothing to worry about because he is in the normal range, he's just a little smaller, the tech assured us.
Next was the doctor appointment. He started off talking about the heart, since that is a priority to him considering I have a VSD Heart Murmur. Everything looked good and normal to him, but to be absolutely sure, he wanted to set me up with a fetal echo, which will be done at the Children's Hospital at the beginning of December. He didn't think there was anything to worry about, but because there is a direct link with a heart murmur (me), its just good to know for sure. He then brought up the fact that the baby was measuring a little smaller. Again, like the tech, he didn't think there was anything to worry about. Considering I was a smaller baby, although there were two in my mom's womb and we were premature, maybe our baby will just be genetically smaller. Just to be sure the baby is growing properly though, he wanted me scheduled for an earlier ultrasound than 32 weeks. So now I will have another ultrasound at 28 weeks (which is actually exciting to me because we will get to see him again sooner). 
The doctor's charts show I have gained 9 pounds, instead of the 5.5 that I have calculated, so he said its good that I am gaining weight. The baby being smaller isn't because he isn't getting enough nutrients. Hearing that news made me feel a lot better The doctor does want me to up my calorie intake though. He gave me the go-ahead to eat a bowl of ice cream before bed...score for me! I just need more fats and proteins. I think I can manage that!
Top and Middle: Profile; Bottom: Looking towards us

All in all, this was a very good appointment! We will be keeping an eye out on Baby's heart with the echo and I will make sure to eat more!

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