How far along? 23 Weeks
Size of Baby: Grapefruit (11 inches long, 1 pound!)
Waist: 37.5 in
Total weight gain: 11 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: Nothing really new to report. Still not that good.
Best moment this week: The fetal echo appointment yesterday. Not only did we get good news that baby's heart looks normal, my mom got to see him for the first time. Just like the last ultrasound, he was moving so much! He doesn't know how to stay still. The doctors had to laugh at how much he moves in there and many times couldn't get pictures in time before he changed positions. It really is amazing seeing him!
Miss anything? Sleep.
Movement: He is still dancing around a lot in there. Sunday Todd and I actually got to see the movement from the outside instead of just feeling him.
Food cravings: None this past week, although sweets (chocolate and Skittles in particular) sounded better than usual.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Same stuff, but definitely feeling the back and hip pain. My back starts to hurt fairly quickly when I am sitting down.
Belly button in or out? In, but not much longer!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. Work is still pretty crazy though! We are in overtime mode, so I have been working much more. Also, I did start crying towards the end of one of my books I'm reading. I don't think I would have cried before, so let's blame that on the pregnancy! So I guess I am experiencing some of the emotional aspect of pregnancy.
Looking forward to: Just feeling him get bigger and stronger.
Fact: In the coming weeks, your baby will continue to grow and mature at a fast rate, gaining about 6 ounces of weight a week. By week 23, the blood vessels in his lungs, important for breathing outside the womb, are developing. His lips are becoming more distinct, and his eyes continue to develop, though they still lack color. (-Everyday Family)
Blurry, I know. But aren't the cats cute?
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