Saturday, August 8, 2015

13 Months Update

May 2015 - May was spent a lot outdoors. Max started standing up on his own without the aid of furniture and started walking very well! Of course he is wobbly and tends to fall a lot, watching him pick up his feet so high is oh so cute. He got his top two teeth, his first sinus infection in eyes, nose, and throat, and had his first overnighter without mommy and daddy (Todd and I went on our first trip without baby for 3 nights!) and did great every night! He is really starting to pick up on things after watching us, like putting coins in his piggy bank and throwing away things in the trash can. Towards the end of April, we started letting Max cry it out at bedtime and this month his sleeping really improved. If he did wake up at night, it would only be one time.

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