Tuesday, October 1, 2013

13 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 13 Weeks
Size of Baby: Peach
Waist: 34 in (I think I was measuring in the wrong place before?). I feel like I am showing a lot more than most at this stage, I'm wondering how much of it is still bloating.
Total weight gain: Nothing this week. Its crazy how much my weight changes throughout the day though. Before breakfast this morning I was 134.6, after breakfast I was 136.5. So I guess I have gained more weight than I think.
Maternity clothes? Not yet. My skinny jeans are still the only clothes that don't fit right. I have bought a few maternity clothes though!
Stretch marks? Nope. I'm switching it up a bit, the Cocoa Butter smell is starting to get to me. I bought Belli Elasticity Belly Oil and Belli All Day Moisture Body Lotion. Like it so far!
Sleep: Still the same. Sometimes its good, sometimes not so much. 
Best moment this week:  Our good friend Susie, who is also pregnant, let us borrow her Doppler. So hearing the baby's heartbeat almost every night is amazing. Click the link above to hear what we hear!
Miss anything? Not being extremely nauseous if I haven't eaten.
Movement: No. Too early.
Food cravings: Nothing this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Gender: Hopefully we will get the call this week! We changed our mind in letting me hear the gender on the phone. I don't want to "waste" any days with mailing the results.
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Nausea comes and goes. I get extremely nauseous when its time to eat, which is really no fun since I am always hungry. I feel like my energy is back, at least through the day. I have gone to bed at 8:30 pm two days this week. Acne! My rosacea is going crazy. Yuck, I tell ya.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender and the rest of the results from the blood tests. Cross your fingers we get the results by Friday!
Fact:  The most remarkable thing about week 13 is that the little body is finally starting to catch up to his head in size, as its head now only accounts for one-third of its total size. If you are having a girl, she will have more than two million eggs in her ovaries by week 13. Its teeth are in place under his gums...Veins and organs are visible through your baby's skin, which is still paper thin and transparent. (-Everyday Family)

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