Tuesday, October 29, 2013

17 Weeks Pregnant

First thing's first, Happy National Cat Day!
Cookie and Tinkerbell - they are shy in front of the camera

How far along? 17 Weeks
Size of Baby: Turnip (5 inches long, 5 ounces)
Waist: 36 in
Total weight gain: 4 lb. Gained another pound this week!
Maternity clothes? Still the same, maternity bra on all the time, maternity jeans when I have too "dress up."
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: I've been going to bed fairly early again this week. It seems I get exhausted around 7:30 and am in bed by 9pm. Let me tell you, its been hard to stay up through the entire Cardinal games (and I rarely have). Still wake up quite a bit (doesn't help that Todd's been snoring more lately!), and its not comfortable when I need to switch positions.
Best moment this week: The fact that my baby bump is more noticeable. The ladies at work all definitely noticed the ever growing bump this week.
Miss anything? Again, clearer skin. I don't put any makeup on before I take these pictures, so you can clearly see the redness.
Movement: Nothing yet. Hopefully very soon!
Food cravings: Nothing really in particular this time around. Food in general.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of meat when cooking.
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Other than the horrible headache I have had ALL day today, this week has been good. My main symptom was being hungry 24/7. It was horrible! I would eat something, hoping to be satisfied for some time, but nope, I was hungry immediately after. I felt like I was bringing my whole kitchen to work. I have also still been crampy.
Belly button in or out? In. Still getting shallower!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: Actually feeling the little guy in there.
Fact: Though no new structures have formed this week, he has developed fat deposits under his skin that will account for about 2 to 6 percent of his total body weight at his time of birth, just 23 weeks from now! His skeleton, which up until this point has been made of flexible cartilage, is now hardening into bone. (-Everyday Family)

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