Tuesday, February 4, 2014

31 Weeks Pregnant

(Look at the belly not the face...half day at work =scrubbing to work :))

How far along? 31 Weeks
Size of Baby: Pineapple (16 inches long, 4 pounds) 
Waist: 41 in.
Total weight gain: 21.5 pounds. Gained 3 pounds last week!? That kind of frightens me...but baby gained a full pound so that makes me feel better. Still, I was shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning.
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: It got better, but then went downhill again. Its really hit or miss. I can't seem to get comfortable, have to get up at least once to go pee, and it takes me forever to fall back asleep. This all sums up to a not so good night's sleep.
Best moment this week: Still feeling baby move all the time. He has not let up at all. As he runs out of room he will soon start being less active and that kind of makes me sad.
Miss anything? Not being uncomfortable all of the time. I had a really hard time this week.
Movement: He's in there dancing 24/7.
Food cravings: Still loving milk chocolate at the moment.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Nope. 
Symptoms: Before yesterday I was excited that I hadn't been experiencing as many (if any) Braxton Hicks contractions...I think I jinxed myself. Yesterday was horrible. Very uncomfortable already, but add in BH contractions every hour and you won't be having any fun. I am definitely feeling the aches and pains that comes along with pregnancy at this stage. Plus my belly is starting to itch from the stretching skin. I am really trying to put on oils/lotion multiple times a day so I don't end up with any more stretch marks! Oh, and he is constantly sitting on or kicking my bladder. Definitely have to make more trips to the bathroom!
Belly button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, but like I said last week, its definitely easier for me to get upset. Don't make me angry (lol).
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound on Feb 11.
Fact:   Four whole pounds - wow! And from this week, until two weeks before birth, he will gain about a half-pound every week. It's not uncommon for his continuous movements, which may feel like somersaults, to keep you up at night. His arms, legs, and body are also filling out as he continues to develop fat underneath his skin, making those kicks and prods feel even stronger than last week. (-Everyday Family)
Todd likes to take pictures before I'm ready. Sometimes, they turn out pretty cool, if I can say so myself.

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