Thursday, September 11, 2014

Max's Nursery

Today I am off from work and I am at home alone. Alone. I don't say that, well, ever! Our weekend plans to the Lake have changed, but I still took time off from work and still decided to take Max to the sitter. With no baby to entertain, feed, and cuddle, I decided I would take the opportunity to share Max's nursery.
I had so much fun getting his nursery ready before his arrival and spent most of my time in there, reading in the rocking chair, with the book propped up on my big baby bump. That chair was broken in well before his arrival, let me tell you! I still feel like I spend the majority of my time in there. Whether I am feeding Max (or pumping), his nursery is my favorite room in our house.

When picking out the paint color, I didn't want to go full-on "boy," the whole baby blue theme or even a sporty theme. One color is all I wanted. We chose a blue-gray color, because gray is where it is at. The previous color was a purple-y gray, which I think shows through a bit, but the tint of purple is not overpowering, thankfully.
There are not too many things on the walls right now. This isn't on purpose, I just haven't found the right wall fixtures for his room yet. Currently, there is nothing above his crib and nothing on the wall the rocker is against, other than a clock. The original theme for his nursery was tigers/lions/cats (something I adore). So I have been playing with the idea of making some pictures with that theme and hanging them above his crib. The wall with his rocker would be a great place to hang family pictures in the future. We will see. For now, the less things on the walls makes it less cluttered looking, so that is always a plus.

Knick-Knacks I have collected over the years...see the cat theme? The bottle is a very old Coca-Cola bottle, another one of my faves.

His crib is filled with stuffed animals, mainly tigers. A bunch I had myself, the rest were given to Max as gifts. He is still swaddled at night as he is not rolling yet, so we don't have to worry about the stuffed animals posing any risks being in his crib. They will most likely need to find another home in the next few months, unfortunately. At the moment, they keep Max company at night. Oh, and the blanket draped over the crib was made by my sister! Thanks Lauren!

Over the last few months we have been adding to his book collection. I want to especially thank my sister for the amount of books she is able to give to Max. Working at a book company really helps us out, and will continue to help us out as Max gets older. Baby/ children books can be expensive, surprisingly! Again, like the stuffed animals, some of the books were mine as I was growing up. Its so nice to be able to pass my belongings on to my son. I love it.

The music "box" that is hanging above his bookcase is very special to me. My Grandma McGeore ("Nannie") gave it to me after my grandparents redecorated their house quite a while ago. It originally hung in their dining room and my sister and I would always make it play every time we went to their house. I have now incorporated playing it into Max's night routine. Every night, right after bath time, I pull the string and let it play while I dry Max off and get him ready for his night feed. It plays Der frohliche Wanderer (it sounds very similar to this clock if you are wondering).

Now onto the changing table/dresser. This is a very important piece of furniture, let me tell you. Do I need to say anything else? There may or may not be a few pee marks on the wall...that's what you get with boys! I do have to say though, I love the little caddy for his diapers and wipes we have. It is definitely one of our best buys; a must-need in my eyes. The wall fixture with the meaning of family was a great find as well. So true.

Now onto the best seat in the house. My beloved rocking chair. Does it look worn down yet? I sure hope not. Max is only five months old, this chair better last! I don't know how any mama could do without a rocker. I don't even want to think about it.

Oh, I can't forget about our cat's bed in the room. We have Cookie and Tinkerbell's small cat tree against the wall. It is mainly a place to keep all of their toys, but they do sleep in it while Todd and/or I am in the room.

Well, that is it for now. I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my haven...I mean Max's room.

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