Monday, October 6, 2014

6 Month Update

Six months. Six months this little boy has been my everything. Six months of being the mother of a boy who has taught me a whole new meaning of love and a whole new meaning of life.
This past month has been a godsend compared to last month. So many changes and developments, what will we get to experience next together? It truly is exciting and amazing to get to help and shape what another dependent human being learns. From starting solids, to sleeping for longer stints, and a whole bunch more, this will be a fun update to write! So much to update on, this may be long!

Height/Weight: Today we had Max's six month checkup. He weighs 19 lbs and 13 oz, which keeps him in the 90th percentile for weight. I was shocked the scale showed him under 20 lbs. I was convinced he was at least 20...only 3 oz away though! For height, he is 28 inches long, which keeps him in the 95th percentile for height. He is growing just like he should be! Perfectly. So, to put it all down, he gained almost three pounds and grew inch inch since his four month checkup!

Routine: His routine is pretty much the same, the only differences I want to elaborate on in the sections below, so keep scrolling down.

Sleeping: Sleep has been better this month.  I am glad to report that mommy is getting a little more sleep! His bedtime has moved up to 7:30pm now, up about 30 minutes from last month. That was entirely Max's doing. He Max seems to sleep for longer stints at a time now, thank goodness. Before I mentioned he could wake up as early as 10pm, but now he usually makes it past midnight. Considering he does go to bed a tad earlier, even if he makes it to 1:30pm, that is still 6 hours of sleep for him. I have to constantly remind myself to think of it that way. One night he slept from 8:30 to 4:00am. One time. That was amazing. 
Todd still gets up and brings him into bed with us for the rest of the night when he wakes up and doesn't go back to sleep on his own. I used to immediately nurse him every time he would start fussing once in bed with us, but I have tried to stop doing that. We have probably already created a monster with bringing him into our bed, so I have tried to ease that a bit with just giving him his binky when he starts to fuss. I also move him into the middle of the bed much quicker instead of keeping him right next to me. I don't want him to rely on me being right next to him every night for comfort.
His pajamas have changed this month. I have put away the swaddle. He now wears a sleep sack or a long sleeve shirt and pants. That's right, his arms are free! And oh much of a difference that makes! At first I didn't think he liked it, he didn't know what to do with his arms. But after a few nights, we could definitely tell he preferred it. I think this little change is one reason why he sleeps a little better now. I love the sleep sack. He is so cuddly in it.

Eating/Feeding: We are still breastfeeding! I would like to take this time and give myself a pat on this back. I am so proud to say that we are still breastfeeding. One year is my goal and I don't think we will have an issue seeing that through...hopefully. Nursing can be pretty tough, I am the sole provider of Max's food and nutrition and it takes a lot out of me at times, but I know I am really going to miss it when he gets older and no longer has to nurse. I'm not going to even think about that right now.
He now takes 5 oz bottles, three times a day at the sitters. Plus, he is now on solid food! Whew, has this been an experience! Before I get to the food though, I do want to mention, we no longer have an issue with bottle feeding at home. I don't know what was up with that last month. Although, he does like to chew on the bottle nipple now, so it may take longer to feed him in one setting...dang teething!
Ok, back to solids. Max loves food, go figure. He currently eats 2 solid meals, lunch and dinner. Applesauce was his first taste of solid food (pictured) and I am so glad I have it on video. He is adorable. So far he has tried: applesauce, pears, peaches, bananas, sweet potato, carrots, green beans, squash, and mango. I would have to say banana and carrots are his favorite and mango is his least favorite (He may like mangos if we try again, just didn't seem to be into them at the time). Nothing has made him constipated yet! But boy let me tell you how crazy his poops are now! Should I describe them (lol)? They are solid! Hehe. Not all of the way solid, but I don't think we have to worry about blow outs as much anymore! Oh, and did I mention the smell? Definitely not as bad as it used to be...smells like carrots. Ok, enough, I know.
I made a plan to make his baby food, so we bought a baby food maker which steams and blends all in one device. Its pretty nifty! I do have to say, making his food is fun and makes me feel great knowing I am preparing his meals, but it is time consuming! At least now it is, with trying to figure out different combinations of food. I'm still learning, so I know it will become second nature soon. So far I have made sweet potato, sweet potato and apple, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower (which he will eat when he is a little older since it causes gas). Since we have started him on solids, I have noticed he seems to spit up more after nursing. The doctor mentioned today that could mean that he doesn't need as much milk anymore and may need more solids. Humph. We will see about that.
Another thing to mention, I feel like Max goes longer between feedings now. I don't feel like I am strapped down to the rocker, forever feeding Max. Now, we can even go out to the store or dinner without bringing a bottle! I know, its crazy. We just have to make sure he gets fed right before we leave, and he is good to go for a while. It is so much easier now not having to worry about bringing milk every where we go. If he gets hungry while we are out, all I have to do is go to the car and nurse him for a bit. Or we can just give him a toy to occupy him for a while.

Behaviour: My favorite section. Holy moly there are a lot of things to write about! I have to compile lists now before I post so I don't forget anything. Here we go.

He continues to smile all of the time and at everyone. He is going to be a heart breaker, let me tell you. Everyone comments on how he is such a happy baby. That makes me so proud. He giggles even more now. His giggles are music to my ear. That sound is the best noise in the whole world. Nothing tops it. I just have to look at him and he giggles. Not sure if that means I look funny to him, but I don't care! Keep the giggles coming! He likes peek-a-boo, being pulled up by his arms while laying down on my lap, among many other things I can't possibly begin to write.

He found his feet. He doesn't put them in his mouth (yet), but he is constantly holding onto them. He kicks. All. The. Time. While changing his diaper, while laying on his back, and especially in the tub his little chubby legs are moving. He basically kicks all of the water out of the tub. He loves to sit. All he wants to do is sit up. No leaning back for him, even in his bouncer chair he wants to sit up. A blanket has to go behind his head now so he is propped up more. He can sit up without assistance for longer periods of time every day, it is amazing to watch. He now sits in his tub as well. He still is not rolling all the way yet. He rolls to his side and actually stays on his side for some time now. I actually think it is because he is so used to nursing on his side when he comes into bed with us. I thought it was strange that he is sitting before he is rolling (and was actually a bit nervous), but the doctor explained that that is becoming more common now because babies spend more time on their back these days. He was pleased to hear that Max sits up on his own at six months and we even had Max demonstrate how well he sits (little show off). The doctor was so happy and explained he sits up better than most six month olds! Proud mama right here!

I think we are at the beginning stages of crawling as well...We do practice with him rolling and whenever he gets on his tummy he kicks those little legs and sometimes moves! Not necessarily forward, but more to the side, kind of in a circle. The doctor mentioned he will be crawling by nine months, and he wouldn't be surprised if he starts pulling himself up soon (by nine months).

We had to move on up to a bigger car seat! No more pumpkin seat for this kid. Along the same lines, he now is able to sit in shopping carts and restaurant high chairs. We have still been bringing the pumpkin seat to restaurants though so he can lay down a bit if he gets tired. Honestly, it is easier for Todd and I, but he really isn't going to fit in it much longer. Not to mention how heavy he is in it! No pumpkin seat also means he is sitting like a big boy in his stroller! This was actually the first "big boy" move we made this past month. It was a little sad, but we are happy he can now look around more and interact while he is going for a walk. He is actually facing forward now, that is so new to him because in everything he is always going backwards. Todd and I get so excited to take him out for walks because we know how he enjoys them so much! how excited he is on our walks. I am not looking forward to Winter when we can't take him out for walks. 

I absolutely love watching Max reach for toys. All I have to do is put a toy in front of him and he will reach for it. I no longer have to deliberately wrap his little fingers around Sophie the Giraffe (the best teething toy), he will grab for it himself. Speaking of teething, no teeth have popped through yet, but it is only a matter of time. He drools so much and constantly chews on anything he can get into his mouth. We have had a few rough days and sometimes have to resort to Tylenol to make him better. I hate seeing him in pain! He loves paper and will grab anything off of my desk when I bring him to work. I am not sure how much longer I can bring him to work. With the busy holiday season coming up, I have less and less time to entertain him and love on him. It sucks. End of story.

He gets so excited when you hold him, its like he tries to climb up you. He doesn't like to stay still. Reminds me of when he was in the womb! Oh how I love this little boy. 

Max is still in size 3 diapers and wears size 6 month clothes. He can fit into some 9 month pants, length wise (waist can be big). I know we will be moving to 6-9 month clothes very soon!

We had our family reunion on the McGeorge side this past month. Some photos from that lovely Saturday:

Susie, are we going to have to watch these two?

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