Today is Halloween and we have done absolutely nothing Halloween-y. We actually celebrated it last Saturday. Max and I, along with Susie and Isla, drove downtown to walk in the Central West End Kid's Halloween Parade. There we met up with my family (everyone but Daddy who was attending the
Extra Life 24 Hour Gaming Marathon) to join in the fun, and we had a blast! A bonus was the fact that the sun was shining, with not a cloud in the sky. It was hot. I mean, it was 80+ October! Crazy weather, but it sure made the day more enjoyable; everyone knows I would much rather be hot than cold. We didn't have to worry about bundling Max up, which was another bonus. In fact, he didn't last long in his costume due to all of the layers! He was sweating by the time the parade was over.
Max was a dragon...the cutest dragon you ever did see! Max's BFF/girlfriend/betrothed was Minnie Mouse. This was the first Halloween parade for the kiddos, and we already look forward to next year! We are definitely going to make it an every year occurrence. How fun! Hopefully next year Todd will get to join us.
We took tons of pictures, so I figured I would make an exclusive post for Halloween instead of adding it into his seven month update (up tomorrow!). So enjoy the pictures! Can I just mention how cute these two are together?!
First, I want to thank Grandma Susan for taking the camera and getting some great action shots. I am usually the one behind the camera, so its nice to get some pictures with Max and I! Now let's get into the obligatory "Fall" pictures. That day, Max and Isla discovered what leaves and pumpkins are. Max approved.
If you can't tell, Max had a great day. He was the happiest little boy. Never fussed, never cried (even when he was extremely hot in his costume). He just smiled and sank it all in.
So that is it for Max's first Halloween and first parade. It will be very neat to compile all of these pictures throughout the years! Come back tomorrow for Max's seven month update and even more adorable pictures.
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