Tuesday, January 28, 2014

30 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 30 Weeks!! Only 7 more until Baby Dep is full term!
Size of Baby: Cucumber (15.5 inches long, 3 pounds) - Not sure if I have ever seen a 15.5 inch long cucumber. Have you?
Waist: 40 in.
Total weight gain: 18.5 pounds. I somehow managed to gain 2 pounds last week...
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No new ones.
Sleep: Not so good again. I have a very hard time getting comfortable and it takes me a while to fall asleep because of that. Tinkerbell has been more lovey at bedtime though and is always snuggled up right by my head. She also likes to sleep on my stomach and I know she can feel Baby Dep kicking.
Best moment this week: Baby is definitely a mover at night when its time to go to bed. My whole belly moves, its crazy. Really, what is he doing in there? Somersaults or something! Anyway, the best part is that now Todd gets to feel that instead of just kicks and taps and I can tell it fascinates him. He looks forward to feeling him move now and that makes me very happy.
Miss anything? No
Movement: Can't get away from it.
Food cravings: Nothing new, although I can't get enough of Dove milk chocolate..that's nothing new though. Todd, I expect a giant bag of those for Valentine's Day :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: All the usuals, nothing really new. I can tell my belly is getting bigger though (obviously). It feels different when I sit and I have to make an effort not to slouch because my sides start to hurt very quickly. I get uncomfortable in any position really. Actually, I also think Baby sits/lays on my bladder. Definitely have to go more frequently.
Belly button in or out? Out, but you can't quite tell through my clothes though.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. It is easier for some things to set me off though. 
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound again (Feb 11) and our "Babymoon" to the Lake Valentine's Day weekend.
Fact:  He now almost fills up your entire uterine cavity, and his arms and legs have grown much plumper, thanks to the continued growth of subcutaneous fat. By 30 weeks, his eyelids open and close. He will keep his eyes closed for most of the day though. When his eyes are open, he will be able to track light inside of your womb, though his vision isn't "perfect" or 20/20. (-Everyday Family)

Everyday Family says its time to pack my hospital bag...eek!

Todd and I are planning on a vaginal delivery with the use of an epidural. I thought this video was really funny...Todd didn't however.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

29 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 29 Weeks 
Size of Baby: Acorn Squash (15 inches long, 2.5 pounds)
Waist: 40 in.
Total weight gain: 16.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? Nothing new.
Sleep: Still better than it was, but my tailbone is still very painful at night. Baby has been very active the last few nights, its like he does somersaults at night.
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby in the ultrasound and hearing that he is growing.
Miss anything? No
Movement: So much.
Food cravings: Nothing new
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Non-pregnancy wise, my tailbone is still very sore. I asked the nurse about it and no matter if I broke it or just bruised it, there is nothing that can be done but to let it heal. Other than that, I am still experiencing all of the usuals. 
Belly button in or out? I guess its time to say my belly button is out. Its not sticking out to where you would see it through my clothes, but I wouldn't be surprised if it does soon.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound again (Feb 11).
Fact:  For the first time, his head is in proportion with the rest of his body. By 29 weeks, his brain can control his body's temperature. His eyes can move in the sockets, and his muscles and lungs continue to mature. His bone marrow is now producing red blood cells, and fat continues to develop under his skin. (-Everyday Family)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

28 Weeks Ultrasound

Today was a big day for me and baby. I had my scheduled 28 week ultrasound today to measure baby's progress. At my 20 week ultrasound it was deemed Baby Dep was measuring a little smaller than average, so they wanted me to add in another ultrasound just to check up.

The good news is that he has definitely grown. His head and stomach/torso have caught up closer to where they should be. He is still measuring a little smaller; he is in the 29th percentile, but considering he was in the 14th percentile before, this is much better! The tech thought this was very good news and he was where he should be at. She was even able to measure that he is about 2 pounds 9 oz! So his weight is definitely good!

When he was first put up on the screen, he had his hands up by his head...again. Seems like that is a favorite position of his. He was also opening and closing his mouth (which was really cute), acting like he was chewing, but of course he was really swallowing amniotic fluid.

At one point, we were looking at the bottom of his feet (top image) and one of his feet fluttered quite a lot, very rapidly. It reminded me of a rabbit thumping his foot, or like a dog when they scratch their head. It was really funny! Seeing all of his limbs is one of my favorite sights, they are just so cute! When the nurse was checking baby's heartbeat, he kicked a few times against the doppler. We could hear it and the nurse could feel the kicks. He sure is a kicker.

Now onto me, I had my glucose test today to make sure I haven't developed gestational diabetes. I had to drink 10 oz of this orange sugary drink in five minutes (Yuck! I can see why some pregnant women vomit after drinking it). They drew my blood exactly one hour after. I also got my second Rhogam shot. This will be my last one while pregnant, but may need another post pregnancy if my baby ends up with a positive blood type. My belly bump was measured and its all good.

Again, it was a good visit! Next ultrasound is February 11th, at 32 weeks. Can't wait to see him again.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

28 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 28 Weeks 
Size of Baby: Eggplant (Just under 15 inches long, 2.25 pounds)
Waist: 40 in! Holy cow I did really grow, you can really tell in the pictures!
Total weight gain: 15.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? None on my stomach, but now I have 3 little lines on my left hip :(
Sleep: So much better!! Todd isn't snoring like he was, so no need for ear plugs anymore. I have other pain making sleep very uncomfortable though (more on that under symptoms).
Best moment this week: Continuing to get the baby room ready. We now have all the furniture (besides the crib mattress) and all is put together! Its coming along.
Miss anything? No
Movement: All. The. Time.
Food cravings: Nothing new
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No, but still experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions multiple times a day.
Symptoms: Well, I managed to fall/slide down the stairs last Tuesday night so all pregnancy symptoms seemed to go out the window after that. I hurt my tailbone bad! I couldn't sit without any extreme pain, basically I couldn't do anything without any pain. Sleeping is not comfortable at all, I wake up often (not from snoring at least) in pain and have to try to change positions. A week later, I still have some pain. Now back to pregnancy symptoms, they are all the same. I did have major cramping this morning that was extremely painful while trying to have a bowel movement...cramping lasted for about 5-10 minutes and was seriously painful.
Belly button in or out? Still half in, half out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound on Thursday.
Fact:  At 28 weeks, your baby can recognize your voice! His eyes continue to develop this week, and his brain is developing millions of neurons. The hair on his head continues to grow. Muscle tone in his body steadily develps, and even though his lungs are now capable of breathing air, it would be difficult for him if he were born now. (-Everyday Family)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

27 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 27 Weeks - Happy Third Trimester!
Size of Baby: Rutabaga (14.5 inches long, 2 pounds)
Waist: 38.5 in
Total weight gain: 15 lbs
Maternity clothes? Still able to fit into a lot of my tops, but they are definitely getting tighter.
Stretch marks? None on my stomach.
Sleep: Still not good.
Best moment this week: Getting the baby room ready. Painted the room, picked out the furniture, brought the dresser/changing table home, bought and built the glider (which I sit in all the time). Baby seems to love the glider already. He starts kicking every time I start rocking.
Miss anything? Good sleep. Todd not snoring...
Movement: All the time.
Food cravings: Nothing really this past week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No. I am still experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions.
Symptoms: Same as before, but not as noticeable this past week when I think about it. I have noticed I lose my balance very frequently and I do get hot pretty quickly.
Belly button in or out? Half in, half out. My innie is hanging in there!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound on January 16th.
Fact:  This week, his brain is developing quickly. His eyelids, which have remained closed up until this point, begin to open and now his retinas can begin to form. The retina contains specialized photoreceptor cells that respond to light, called rods and cones. Cones in particular help us perceive color. (-Everyday Family)