Tuesday, January 14, 2014

28 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 28 Weeks 
Size of Baby: Eggplant (Just under 15 inches long, 2.25 pounds)
Waist: 40 in! Holy cow I did really grow, you can really tell in the pictures!
Total weight gain: 15.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? None on my stomach, but now I have 3 little lines on my left hip :(
Sleep: So much better!! Todd isn't snoring like he was, so no need for ear plugs anymore. I have other pain making sleep very uncomfortable though (more on that under symptoms).
Best moment this week: Continuing to get the baby room ready. We now have all the furniture (besides the crib mattress) and all is put together! Its coming along.
Miss anything? No
Movement: All. The. Time.
Food cravings: Nothing new
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No, but still experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions multiple times a day.
Symptoms: Well, I managed to fall/slide down the stairs last Tuesday night so all pregnancy symptoms seemed to go out the window after that. I hurt my tailbone bad! I couldn't sit without any extreme pain, basically I couldn't do anything without any pain. Sleeping is not comfortable at all, I wake up often (not from snoring at least) in pain and have to try to change positions. A week later, I still have some pain. Now back to pregnancy symptoms, they are all the same. I did have major cramping this morning that was extremely painful while trying to have a bowel movement...cramping lasted for about 5-10 minutes and was seriously painful.
Belly button in or out? Still half in, half out. 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound on Thursday.
Fact:  At 28 weeks, your baby can recognize your voice! His eyes continue to develop this week, and his brain is developing millions of neurons. The hair on his head continues to grow. Muscle tone in his body steadily develps, and even though his lungs are now capable of breathing air, it would be difficult for him if he were born now. (-Everyday Family)

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