Thursday, January 16, 2014

28 Weeks Ultrasound

Today was a big day for me and baby. I had my scheduled 28 week ultrasound today to measure baby's progress. At my 20 week ultrasound it was deemed Baby Dep was measuring a little smaller than average, so they wanted me to add in another ultrasound just to check up.

The good news is that he has definitely grown. His head and stomach/torso have caught up closer to where they should be. He is still measuring a little smaller; he is in the 29th percentile, but considering he was in the 14th percentile before, this is much better! The tech thought this was very good news and he was where he should be at. She was even able to measure that he is about 2 pounds 9 oz! So his weight is definitely good!

When he was first put up on the screen, he had his hands up by his head...again. Seems like that is a favorite position of his. He was also opening and closing his mouth (which was really cute), acting like he was chewing, but of course he was really swallowing amniotic fluid.

At one point, we were looking at the bottom of his feet (top image) and one of his feet fluttered quite a lot, very rapidly. It reminded me of a rabbit thumping his foot, or like a dog when they scratch their head. It was really funny! Seeing all of his limbs is one of my favorite sights, they are just so cute! When the nurse was checking baby's heartbeat, he kicked a few times against the doppler. We could hear it and the nurse could feel the kicks. He sure is a kicker.

Now onto me, I had my glucose test today to make sure I haven't developed gestational diabetes. I had to drink 10 oz of this orange sugary drink in five minutes (Yuck! I can see why some pregnant women vomit after drinking it). They drew my blood exactly one hour after. I also got my second Rhogam shot. This will be my last one while pregnant, but may need another post pregnancy if my baby ends up with a positive blood type. My belly bump was measured and its all good.

Again, it was a good visit! Next ultrasound is February 11th, at 32 weeks. Can't wait to see him again.

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