Tuesday, January 7, 2014

27 Weeks Pregnant

How far along? 27 Weeks - Happy Third Trimester!
Size of Baby: Rutabaga (14.5 inches long, 2 pounds)
Waist: 38.5 in
Total weight gain: 15 lbs
Maternity clothes? Still able to fit into a lot of my tops, but they are definitely getting tighter.
Stretch marks? None on my stomach.
Sleep: Still not good.
Best moment this week: Getting the baby room ready. Painted the room, picked out the furniture, brought the dresser/changing table home, bought and built the glider (which I sit in all the time). Baby seems to love the glider already. He starts kicking every time I start rocking.
Miss anything? Good sleep. Todd not snoring...
Movement: All the time.
Food cravings: Nothing really this past week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Gender: Boy!
Labor signs: No. I am still experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions.
Symptoms: Same as before, but not as noticeable this past week when I think about it. I have noticed I lose my balance very frequently and I do get hot pretty quickly.
Belly button in or out? Half in, half out. My innie is hanging in there!
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy. 
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound on January 16th.
Fact:  This week, his brain is developing quickly. His eyelids, which have remained closed up until this point, begin to open and now his retinas can begin to form. The retina contains specialized photoreceptor cells that respond to light, called rods and cones. Cones in particular help us perceive color. (-Everyday Family)

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